Tuesday 2 February 2016

Show time continues!

 We are looking closely at different kinds of bank notes! We found out that there are letters and numbers on the notes.

Sometimes there are peoples faces,  'Like George Washington!' - said Carla, and when you hold the note to the light you can see a silver line through the paper note.

Dhyanadeep knows that we use dollars and that some notes are for Sudan. Some have English numbers and some have Arabic.

Our girls are still working on their 'fashion Show', seems we are well entertained! They organised the chairs better today - so we all had a seat but no chairs left over!

The boys were fabulous at supporting the show with music and security!

Okay now for a spin at the end of the runway!

The girls are getting the hang of taking turns to walk past each other and do a 'swirl' at the end!

We are learning how to use the  >  sign. It means 'more than....' .

We made some maths sentences today like 10 > 3

                             3 > 1

 Check out the newly downloaded video clip already on Blogger for this maths activity.

1 comment:

  1. Dear parents - it would be great if you added a few words to out Blog - to make it a little more interactive! You can simply say I Like....
    Thanks Miss Jo and Miss Suna
