Monday 29 February 2016

We are Dropping Everything and Reading for Book Week and learning new maths games...

We sent out 'spies' today to see if everyone was reading in the DEAR time! Most were, but we spied a few who were not!

 Carla cuts her own shapes to make a lamp, or is it a tree!
 Layah makes the finishing touches to her bag..... and Judy gets some ideas!

Great construction today. The tower got higher and higher and then yep, the inevitable.......... 

Action shot as the tower falls down! 

The Drs work on tessellating too! 

In small group time the children learn new ways to guess shapes and consolidate some of the new vocabulary........we will be teaching you all some new games during the Student led conferences....

We are sorting out all the solid shapes and putting them into sets...

Samer made this huge track last week - sorry Samer but we had to clear it away as we made a new 'hospital' area......

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