Thursday 21 April 2016

Experiments continue!

 We try more experiments to see if the ice melts faster in a black bed or a white bed! Today the black melted faster, and the water in the big container covered in a black bin liner was much hotter than the one covered in a white plastic bag!
 Jun created his own experiment - "I want to see if the ice melts faster in the sun or in the shade..."
The only problem was that someone knocked over the bottle with the ice in it!  We can try again on Sunday Jun.

We were invited to see some special Ethiopian dancing this morning. Minichi our lovely cleaner in Early Years amazed us all with his body flexibility" he must have strong muscles", said the children! I was very proud as many of them thanked Minichi with no prompting from us. Beautiful children..

 Mohammed decided to copy the title of  the book we looked at today 'Colours in the desert'. We thought that white and brown and green were the main colours you can find in the desert, oh and blue said Mathilde because of the sky!

 Rahma played to us as we played dominoes and Peppa Pig snap!

Great writing Mohamed and enjoy reading your new books everyone!

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