Tuesday 3 May 2016

Our Celebration of Learning will be fabulous tomorrow! - See our practice today

The Yoga Group  - video clip

The Doctors Group

Healthy Food Group

The Yoga group

The Sun Safety Group - video clip

The doctors have a lot of things to tell you and do you dare try out the mystery medicine!?

 Try  the  tasting  test!
The yoga group demonstrate the 'Tree'.

The racing seems to be going fine but....
 U, Oh, the racers have a small problem - maybe they need the help of Kelso!

Great, here is the Kelso wheel group!

This  is  the  racing  group... 

 The dancing group - video clip

Learn about the brain...

Caring is also learning how to solve problems... so we can have happy play times.

So.... how are you feeling today!?

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